Working in Social Media and writing part time on the side has some distinct advantages and disadvantages.
On one hand, I get to spend large portions of my day on Facebook and Twitter, managing blogs, and roaming the internet. My employer has two Facebook pages, one on Human Health and one on Pet Health. This means my social media time is spent looking up colorful pictures of vegetables and funny pictures of cats.
On the other hand, the time I spend doing these for WORK far exceeds the time I have left to do these on my personal networks. Additionally, I also manage my Mom’s Blog (as well as offering 24-7 tech and design support to both her and my father…part of my 25 year plan to pay them back for all they’ve done for me). It was on this last task (updating my mom’s blog) that I remembered, “Hey, I have a blog as well!”
So, today begins what will hopefully be weekly postings by myself and my writing partner Ben. Originally, this was less of a blog and more of an online area for us to share samples of our work gearing up for our trip to LA. Moving forward, we hope to engage fans and casual readers alike with our endless banter about Movies, TV, Books, Music, Musicals (go ahead…say something…I dare ya), Pop Culture, Sports, Beer and more.
Some posts will be discussions of things we love. Others will be rants on things we hate. I have a feeling the latter will likely be the fan favorite (ask Ben or myself about Twilight and you will see us get more excited to share a discourse on our mutual hatred of the series than we sometimes do for things we actually love). Hopefully there will be an added benefit of an increased aptitude for writing for both of us, but probably not.
My posts will be filled with a plethora of parentheticals and ellipses. I know…staples of lazy writing (and certainly frowned upon in The Elements of Style), but I can’t help myself and these are my posts. Unlike work, I don’t have to write properly about Feline Alopecia or Erectile Dysfunction (unless I want to), so I’ll allow myself to be a little lazier and a little more casual.
Ben’s posts will likely invoke the bible of Rotten Tomatoes, a lot of music talk and even more sports talk. As with our collaborations, I will simply marvel at Ben’s far more clear, concise and coherent posts while I attempt to whittle down 17 paragraphs into 5 semi usable ones that I find overly clever.
We’ll also continue to share more samples of our work and current projects (we’re currently writing both a Rock Musical and a Raucous Comedy Fantasy). We hope you like what we have to say and share it with your friends. If you don’t like it, make fun of it and share it with your friends. Honestly, I work in SEO and Social Media. Clicks are clicks to me. 🙂
Well, check back next week and make sure to leave comments on our posts. We will not consider this blog a success unless we have angry talkbackers arguing in our comments section.